Too Tired For This: A DadZawa Bang


Who can be a part of this bang?Any creator 18+ is invited. This is a proship/profiction event so while we will help curate the event so you do not have to create anything you are uncomfortable with, we expect you to respect all creators' choice of content.Does this have to be NSFW?No we welcome SFW and NSFW worksDoes Aizawa have to be shipped?You are welcome to have Aizawa shipped with ANY AND ALL characters but are not required to have any ships in your works.Can there be non-Aizawa ships?Any and all ships are welcome but not required as long as they are properly tagged!What do you mean by 'dadzawa'?Dadzawa is a fandom term given to Aizawa Shouta for how he relates to his students. While your story may be about anything we just ask that you feature Aizawa in some sort of fatherly role SOMEWHERE in your story.Does Aizawa have to be the main character/focus?Nope! But we are asking for a decently strong presence, even if he isn't the center or main character. For art this means that he has to be in there somewhere, even if it's just a speech bubble as he says something off screen.

Mod Team

Mod LunaRole: Co-head mod and Organization modFavorite Dadzawa Thoughts: He is the dad who didn't want the cat and then they got the cat anyway and now he's obsessed. Just with his students. (He wanted all his cats.)

Mod JedithRole: Co-head mod and Social Media ModFavorite Dadzawa Thoughts: He's used his capture weapon on more students than villains at this point.

Mod TristanRole: writing modFavorite Dadzawa Thoughts: my favorite is zawa taking in shinsou who didn't have a great childhood, and he and eri growing up as siblings

Mod ZuulRole: Art ModFavorite Dadzawa Thoughts: Honestly, I have so many thoughts and feelings about this man. I read Vigilantes just for Oboro/rooftop squad things. It really made me understand, and appreciate his teaching methods with his students. Also, as a parent myself, I too love to zip myself up in a sleeping bag, and nap. This is my apology now for all the puns, and dad jokes, that I'm going to drop on y'all. 😘 In fact, I bring an extra pair of socks with me when I go golfing.In case I get a hole in one...

Mod EmeraldRole: Beta ModFavorite Dadzawa Thoughts: Aizawa is surprisingly sentimental. He has boxes of articles about his kids and their achievements, but if you ever ask him about it, he will deny it.

Role: Intern ModFavorite Dadzawa Thoughts: As a father of someone who recently graduated high school and another one who is in high school, I am experienced with the “dad” part of the Dadzawa. Bring on the dad jokes, Plus Ultra!


Sign ups
May 26th to June 20th: Writer Sign-Ups
May 26th to June 30th: Artist Sign-Ups
May 26th to October 20th: Beta/Pinch-Hitter Sign-Ups
June 21st to June 27th: Writer Summary Submissions
June 28th to July 1st: Summary Previews
July 1st to July 5th: Artists Summary Claims
July 7th: Teams Announcement
Check In
July 14th to July 21st: Check-In #1 (this one is to ensure the teams are communicating)
August 14th to August 21st: Check-In #2 25% done (this will vary person to person but we are ideally looking for ideas discussed, plan made)
September 14th to September 21st: Check-In #3 50% (started work, about halfway done in the creative process depending on what this means for you)
October 14th to October 20th: Check-In #4 95% done in the creative process beta started (if being beta'd)
October 31st to November 5th: Final submissions/check in- 100% and beta'd (to allow time for emergencies before posting)
Previews and Posting
October 1st to October 20th: Preview Submission, posting date sign ups
October 20th to October 31st: Preview Posting
November 8th to November 23rd: Posting Period


This bang welcomes ALL ships and ALL content, including sexual. The only requirement is that Aizawa, as a character, needs to act as a father figure in some capacity that is not solely sexual. You may also ship Aizawa with any and all characters, or with no characters at all.All content is to be tagged and rated appropriately.Writers are expected to write a minimum of 2k words on the posting date. Multichapter fics are allowed as long as the 2k is posted at the posting date and Aizawa has acted in a father role in some way in the work that is posted. Further chapters can be posted later.Artists are expected to create a minimum of one piece with clean lines and flat colors based off of their writer's story.Going Plus Ultra! is always allowed, but not expected.Pinch Hitters will be assigned as needed when a writer or artist drops out. Adjusted requirements will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.Check ins will be done in your channels with the mods. You will receive an emoji at each check in to mark you're completed, in order to keep track and avoid filling out too many forms!Writers can submit more than one summary but we can only guarantee you a pair for one summary. If an artist or writer wishes to create more for the bang it will be added to the collection, we just ask that you complete your initial piece first. You are welcome to use the collabd channel on discord to find a second partner if your first is finished.